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August 30, 2018

My Rating - 2 out of 5 stars
Sold by - Amazon Asia Pacific Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
Genre - Fiction
Publishing year - August 2018
Language - English
Pages - 133
Buy now - Amazon IN

My Review -

The theme of the story is about unfulfilled dreams.  The main characters were Shubh and Monica. Shubh is passionate about photography. His sole purpose was to capture nature in his pictures and relive those moments. Monica was a dreamer. She loved the colors. She learns very early that she wants to become a painter. 

Shubh is an ideal son. He gave up on his dream of photography because his parents don't want him to pursue it as a career. He moved to Delhi for a job where he met Monica in her first painting exhibition. They both felt an instant connection when they first met. Shubh was impressed by Monica's painting. Shubh's green eyes remind Monica of her long-lost lover, Aman. There is one more character Zuni, Monica's best friend. She is the most annoying friend one can ever ask for. A friend who always interferes in Monica's life for her own good, or maybe it's just the way she is.

"We spend a greater part of our life to pleasing people. They are the people who are interested in finding faults. They never care about you. So don't listen to them. You are not born to please others."

Shubh's character reminds me of a lot of people. Why? Because in India, it is widespread that parents manipulate their children. They don't give their kids the freedom to choose their own careers. Even some parents are so dominating that they took every decision on behalf of their children. If anyone doesn't do things according to their wish, then that person has become Blacksheep of the family. They think you don't respect them. I feel so bad for the character of Shubh. He was always taught to submit his hope and dreams for the sake of his parents and society.

Monica was taught to embrace failures and build her own destiny. Her parents always support her. For Monica, failures mean she was trying and not sitting and daydreaming. She was guided by her parents to take challenges and find her own path. She inspired others through her paintings. But her inspiration was her ex Aman. The story revolves around Shubh and Monica, where they both help each other and find happiness. 

The story is fast-paced. I have so many technical things, like Aman's eye color was green, so as Shubh's. In India, it's next to impossible, and if it is possible, how can someone meet the two boys in her life with the same green eyes. The author's imagination power is extreme, but I can't digest it. Everything is happening so fast. In 10 days, they come closer; Monica's ex Aman comes from nowhere. 

"Love is an open sky and as deep as the ocean. Love doesn't tie you; Love gives you wings."

The author portrays Monica's character badly. She feels guilty about whatever happened between her and Aman. She believes that Aman is the reason behind her success. It's not an era of Romeo & Juliet, where someone cries for 3 years over a relationship that lasts only for a month. 

It's an author's debut book. But there is space for a lot of improvement. The characters connect with you because it's a problem for every second Indian. The ideal son who never raise a voice & a forlorn girl who always cry over her ex no matter how douche he was. The grammatical error was noticeable in every chapter. But a few lines and paragraphs touch my heart because it inspires me. I recommend this to only those who want a quick read and something to inspire about. 

Blurb -

This is the story of a dream, a story of every dreamer.

Shubh is a dreamer. He wishes to become a nature photographer but submits to his parents' wishes to secure a future for him. He fears he will disappoint his parents and gives up on his dreams.

Monica is a dreamer. She is a painter who paints the canvas with the inspirational colors of life. She let go of her fears and inhibitions one day when someone gives her paintings a purpose.

What happens when fate brings these two dreamers together?

A unique tale of love and life in the form of tiny tales about the dreams and challenges we face.

About the author -

Surabhi Sharma was born and brought up in Jaipur, Rajasthan. She began her writing journey as a freelance writer, writing short stories for magazines and newspapers. In 2016, she started her blog to share her love for writing and reading. She writes short stories on her blog.

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