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April 17, 2020

My Rating - 3 out of 5 stars
Publisher - Penguin Random House
Genre - Classic/Finance/Business
Publishing year - 1926
Language - English 
ISBN - 978-0-143-44845-7
Pages - 207

My Review - 

Babylon is a lost city with a rich heritage. They only have two natural resources - fertile soil and water in the river. All the other things were man-made. While the rest of the world just learning to survive, they built a magnificent wall to defend them. They were considered the first engineers, mathematicians, financers, and the first people to have a written language. They were way ahead of their time and enlightened. 

The book starts with a parable where Bansir wants to become wealthy and seeks the advice of Arkad, the richest man in Babylon. Arkad shares his wisdom with a thousand men, so they teach others and apply it as well. 

The central aim of the story is to save 10% of your saving for investments. Do not make an investment without prior knowledge; seek advice from those who are in those fields. This book shows how to clear all your debts and manage your finances, so you don't need any further loans. George S. Clason mentioned the importance of gold and how a person can prosper, including a slave. 

We know that wealth that comes quickly goes the same way, so it is vital to prioritize. Being prosperous is a long-term process; one has to be patient, make the right decisions, and grab opportunities whenever they appear. 

The book is written in a simple style, but the content is repetitive; that's why so many people don't like it. Despite its flaw, The Richest Man in Babylon has some valuable lessons to offer. Don't forget the book is a classic written in 1926, so give it a try. 

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