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April 5, 2021

best tine to post on social media

The Secret Time to Post on Social Media; Successful Digital Marketers Don’t Want You to Know.

Hello there, we are about to reveal to you a powerful secret. Are you ready? Are you prepared to have your mind blown? Okay, the answer to this is that there isn't a specific time. Sorry but read on; there is much to gain.

There are variables to consider to determine the best time to post on social media. First, you have to consider the time zone you are targeting, the audience, and the social media platform. 

For instance, if you target a country like the United States of America, the time zone for you to follow would be the Eastern Time Zone (EST) and the Central Time Zone (CST). Doing this would allow you to reach at least 75% of the United States Audience.

You Need to Understand Post Timing to Post to Get Ahead of your Competition

Knowing the right time to post is central to your social media strategy. If you don't know the best time to post, you won’t be getting timely social media interactions. In addition, when you aren’t interacting with your existing and potential customers, you can't build relationships with them. 

You would think it can't be that bad. After all, there are billions of internet users. You only need to post, isn't it? Wrong. Timing is essential. For instance, when microwaving a meal, you follow the time to heat the food properly. You don't take it out a second early. It is the same with posts. You have to do it right to get the satisfaction you need from posting.

Your content would completely miss its audience when you don’t post it at the right time. So, to get the maximum reaction to your content, you have to abide by the best time to post. When your content misses your audience, your strategy needs a lot of readjusting.

It is Revealed: The Best Time to Post on Social Media

Using social media analytics, you can determine where your customers are located and the timeframe which would be the best to post, depending on their location.

Facebook -

Facebook has about 2.7 billion active monthly users. Facebook has become more difficult for brands to get quality content for their customers. It is so because Facebook has reworked its algorithm to focus on interactions between friends and family. Interactions between family and friends have more priority over quality content than the brand's post. So, to boost the post's capacity to reach an audience, brands have to pay for it. You have to stick to your posting schedule and get your timing right to combat this.

If you target the EST and the CST time zone, the best time to post is in the morning, around 9 am, with another surge in click-through rates between 11 am and 12 pm during lunch breaks. However, the best time to upload content on Facebook is from Thursday to Sunday. If you run a B2B brand, the best time to post is between 9 am and 2 pm. The best days for B2B to post are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

This time would also change if you are trying to post for B2C brands are noon on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Generally, the best time for both types of brands to post is on Wednesdays.

Instagram -

Instagram users are now up to 800 million. You have to play by the new timeline that Covid 19 has prescribed to post on Instagram. Before Covid 19, the best time to post was 11 am just before lunch on Wednesdays, and 10 am to 11 am on Fridays. Wednesday was the best time to post and the worst time to post was on Sundays.

Covid 19 has changed the timeline as Covid 19 changed the way people use Instagram. The change happened because people are spending more time on the internet as work, school, and other interactions were moved online. 

User analysis reveals that the new times to post have become three days a week. These days are Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, with the time, remaining at 11 am just before lunch. Tuesdays usually witness the highest click-through rates. Also, after work hours remain one of the best times to post.

If you are managing B2B brands, you have to target the above days from 12 pm to 1 pm, 5 pm to 6 pm, and 8 pm to 9 pm before when you want to post. For B2C, the best time to upload content is 8 am, 1 pm, and 9 pm on the days mentioned above.

Twitter -

Twitter enjoys monthly usage of 330 million people. However, the best time to upload content on Twitter is tricky as tweets have an engagement period of 18 minutes, so you have to get the timing right as the stakes are higher with Twitter. 

The best days for Twitter are Mondays to Fridays. You can post 8 am to 10 am when people commute to work during lunch hours from 12 pm to 1 pm. There is also a surge afternoon when people are getting their coffee breaks. The day's final surge is usually from 5 pm to 6 pm when people are closing from work.

If you are trying to post content and get engagement for B2Bs, the best time to post are from Mondays to Fridays between 9 am and 4 pm. The best days, however, are Mondays and Thursdays. For B2C businesses, the best time to post is 12 pm to 1 pm, Mondays to Wednesdays.

Written by Rosa Hemming

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