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September 26, 2022

My Rating - 4 out of 5 stars

Publisher - Ukiyoto
Genre - Fiction/Short Story
Publishing year - 2022
Language - English
ISBN - 978-93-90510-627
Pages - 184

Wagging Tongues: Short Stories and Reflections by Yogie Chandra Tatvaraj

Book Review - 

Yogie Chandra Tatvaraj's latest book Wagging Tongues is an assortment of concise narratives and introspections from the point of view of the protagonist and antagonist Ranjan D'Cruz. He is a rock singer but did many diverse works to earn money. 

His character is messed up and not NORMAL, but what is expected and what one needs to do to be accepted by society or considered Normal by their norms are things that Ranjan constantly questions. In addition, he has an identity crisis because of his full name, and his religious beliefs differ from his family. Therefore, he follows different philosophies and queries almost everything around him. 

His approach to life will make many readers uncomfortable because most of us are hardwired to think a certain way. But for me, I adore his misfit personality because, in many aspects, I connect with Ranjan. Carving our own path, challenging almost everything, going toe to toe with religion and tradition, seeing death and birth in the same way, and going crazy LOL are a few things we have in common. 

This short story is distinct from what I have read so far. The content has a mixture of grim and light content. Ranjan's reflections were brutal, while Osho's stories work as tranquil impacts. Yogie Chandra's writing made me laugh, cringe, and contemplate life all at the same time. 

Narration-wise, there are many things that the author can improve. For starters, I didn't enjoy the quotes between the stories; they broke the flow of the reading. Also, I think the first chapter needs to be the last one because it gave away Ranjan's future (present state, as I learned from this book). Finally, it would be great if the stories were in chronological order. 

Overall, the stories have the potential to teach you many things; all you have to do is keep your mind open. If you're looking for a quick intellectual read in the form of short anecdotes, then pick this book. I recommend it. 

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