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Interview with a Book Blogger | Rajeev Patel | Bookreviewpedia

Rajeev Patel Bookreviewpedia

Rajeev Patel 

Q.1 Please introduce yourself - Where are you from? How long have you been blogging? What’s the name of your blog? What made you decide to start a book blog?
A. I am from Raipur (CG). The website is still under construction but the blog is live, named BookReviewpediaI am an avid reader but decided to start blogging about a year ago.

Q.2 What is your favorite genre and book?
A. Crime Thriller and Mythology interests me a lot. I cannot name one book to be favorite, but all of Agatha Christie are my favorites, and Devdutt Patnaik's explanation of mythological characters interests me a lot.

Q.3 What one piece of advice do you wish you’d had when you first started book blogging?
A. I really hoped someone would have advised me to start with a website, and not with temporary blogs on WordPress or Blogspot.

Q.4 What piece of advice you would like to give to other bloggers?
A. Be real, Content is the king. Have patience, you will get recognition.

Q.5 How many books are actually in your bookshelf/shelves right now?
A. Around 2000+.

Q.6 If you could be a character from a book for just one day who would you be and why?
A. I am a superhero fan. Any of the Marvel superheroes will work.

Q.7 Is blogging your profession or just a hobby? Does your family support you? What’s their take on this?
A. It's just a hobby+passion. Yes, my family supports me. To be very frank they don't know much about blogging, and book reviews, but they are happy in whatever I do.

Q.8 What do you think is the best strategy for getting more visitors to a blog?
A. No Strategy, just stick to the basics. Remember the 2 ‘C’ of getting more visitors to a blog, Consistency, and Content.

Q.9 What are the top 3 characteristics you look for in a good book?
A. Story, Editing, and its Pace.

Q.10 What are your favorite Instagram/Bookstagram/Booktuber accounts?
A. There are quite a few accounts which in stalk regularly: askthebookbug - Krutika Puranikmisscuriousnerd - Purnima Dubeybookish.fame - Khyati Gautam.

A few words for our readers and Books Charming -
Read as much as you can. Reading brings peace to the mind. Books Charming (Aakanksha Jain) is really a sweet person, my Indori friend (the city which will always remain close to my heart for various reasons). Aakanksha is really hardworking and the time which she invests in her blog is commendable. I was amazed to know that blogging is her only source of income. Keep going girl. Hope to meet you soon in Indore with lots of Poha and Jalebis.

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