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Interview with Cyra | Founder of The Literary Vault {Book Blogger Interview}

Cyra The Literary Vault


Q.1 Please introduce yourself - Where are you from? How long have you been blogging? What’s the name of your blog? What made you decide to start a book blog?
Hello! My name is Cyra, and I am from North Carolina! I have a blog called The Literary Vault. I write about all things books and also have an exclusive column where I interview different authors. 

I started this blog for my love of literature and wanted a space to share my passion. I started blogging around the fall of last year, so it has been almost one year!

Q.2 What is your favorite genre and book?
My favorite genres are romance and thriller, and I have so many books I can't choose my favorite one!

Q.3 What one piece of advice do you wish you’d had when you started book blogging?
When you start book blogging, it's important to establish a regular posting schedule and stick to it. Whether you choose to post book reviews, author interviews, or other book-related content, maintaining a consistent schedule helps you build an audience and keep them engaged. Readers are more likely to return to your blog if they know when to expect new content.

Q.4 What advice would you like to give other bloggers?
My advice would be to expand your horizons, whether it is reading different genres, writing about other bookish stuff, or reading new and upcoming authors.

Q.5 How many books are actually on your bookshelf/shelves right now?
I have a terrible habit of buying books before I finish my TBR, so I would say more than 100!

Q.6 If you could be a character from a book for just one day, who would you be and why?
I would want to be Alex Bailey from the book series The Land of Stories because Alex Bailey gets to embark on incredible adventures in the series, meeting her favorite storybook characters, being able to experience the fictional world, and making new friends on the way. Her experiences and challenges make for an engaging and thrilling story.

Q.7 Is blogging your profession or just a hobby? Does your family support you? What’s their take on this?
For me, blogging is a space for me to pour out my feelings about my journey through reading different books. It's a fun past-time hobby I do. My family greatly supports me in all aspects, whether it's buying me more books, helping me with ideas about my blog, supporting me with my author talks, etc.

Q.8 What do you think is the best strategy for getting more visitors to a blog?
Quality content posted regularly and social media sharing! The number one thing is to create quality and value-driven content straight from the heart for the audience of your blog. The more you connect with the readers' minds, the better chances are for them to return to your blog and refer your blog to others. Another strategy is to use social media handles to promote your blog, post frequently, and keep up with the trends!

Q.9 What are the top 3 characteristics you look for in a good book?
A compelling and well-constructed plot is often at the top of the list. I like to read books with a captivating storyline that intrigues me and keeps me on the hook to want more. Memorable and relatable characters are crucial in a good book. I want to connect with the characters on an emotional level, understand their motivations, and see them grow or change throughout the story. 

Strong and evocative writing is another essential characteristic. I appreciate well-crafted prose that can convey emotions, set the mood, and paint vivid mental images. The style of writing, the author's voice, and their ability to capture the essence of the story are significant factors.

Q.10 What are your favorite Instagram/Bookstagram/Booktuber accounts?
A. Booktubers:
Haley Pham and Steph Bohrer
Bookstagrammers: @twirlingpages and @thebibliotheque

A few words for our readers and Books Charming -
Books Charming is an enchanting blog born from a deep passion for literature, and Aakanksha is the brilliant mind behind it, dedicated to spreading her love for all things books through this platform. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the team for allowing me to participate in this series.

While I typically have the privilege of interviewing authors and literary icons on my blog, I must admit that this experience provided me with a unique opportunity for self-reflection on my blogging journey thus far. 

It was truly enlightening to step into a different role and experience what it's like to be on the other side of the interview table. I thoroughly enjoyed the engaging exchange I had with Aakanksha during this interview. 

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