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Interview with Keta Diablo

Q.1 Tell us a little about yourself?
A. I live in the Midwest part of the United States on six acres of beautiful woodland. When I’m not writing or gardening, I love to commune with nature. A pair of barn owls returns to the property every year to birth their young, and show them off in the high branches of the oak trees. Nothing more adorable than these white fluffy babies with heart-shaped faces. A lifelong animal lover, I devote my time and support to the local animal shelter. Emma LaPounce, a rescued feline, has been my furry companion for the last ten years.

I’m an award-winning and bestselling author who writes in several genres: Western, Historical, Paranormal, and Contemporary Romance. I have also written in the genres of Thriller, Urban Fantasy, and Gay Fiction. My books have received numerous accolades, including RWA contest finalist, Authors After Dark finalist, Top Pick of the Month and Recommended Review from many top review sites, and Best Romance Finalist from The Independent Author Network

Ps: For some strange reason, ghosts often show up in my stories.

Q.2 Do you have any upcoming books?
A. Thank you for asking. My latest release is I Spy A Demon, a demon-hunter novella. 
It’s available in Kindle Unlimited on all Amazon venues.

Q.3 How do you come up with the title of your books?
A. That’s a great question. Often, I don’t come up with a title until I’m half-way through the story. I know the plot and the characters, but the title usually comes to me through some events in the book. Once in a great while, I’ll know the title beforehand.

Q.4 Among all the protagonists of your titles, who’s your favourite and why?
A. That’s a toss-up between Morgan, the alpha hero in Decadent Deceptions and Gavin the protagonist in Land of Falling Stars. Both are historical novels, and I love writing about alpha males during that period. Both men are dominant, bold and commanding, yet very kind, and caring toward the heroines.

Lately, a reviewer said she wished she had a Rann in her life, and he would talk to her like Rann talked to Season in my latest thriller Season, UnforgettableIt’s pretty clear readers see different things in heroes.

Q.5 What about the supporting characters? Who is dearest to you?
A. I really related to Cecily in I Spy A Demon. Her parents died when she was very young, leaving her and her twin to be raised by family friends. The family members were very good to them, treated them as their own sons. But as Cecily and Calder grow to adulthood, they realize their adoptive family engages in some very strange happenings. Cecily was strong, courageous and independent for one who lost so much in her young life.

Q.6 How many books have you written? Which one is your favourite among them?
A. I think I’m up to 22 books now, and I couldn’t possibly name a favourite. But, here’s a little secret: When I go back and read them I always think...did I write that book? Of course, I did, but I’m always surprised when I see the whole book come together, and then sit back and read it.

Q.7 What is the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
A. Getting them to their happily-ever-after. If you’re writing about opposites who attract, they probably have a lot to overcome. If you’re writing about a couple with enormous baggage, background issues, they also have a lot to overcome to get to a happy ending.

Q.8 How do you develop your plots and characters? Do you use any set formula?
A. I develop both in my head way before I begin to write the story. Some plots come from a newspaper article I might have read, some from dreams, and some come from just thinking about life and its many twists and turns. The only formula I have is to NOT have a formula. I like to write out-of-the-box; that is, manage some surprises, something the reader in no way saw coming. If you read some of the reviews on Season, Unforgettable, you’ll see many said they didn’t see that coming, or the story took a completely unexpected turn. That’s not only fun, but I think I’ve done my job if the book wasn’t run-of-the-mill.

Q.9 How do you select the name of your characters?
A. Again, this is sort of the same way I named my children. None had names until they were three days old. Not all names fit all people. I like to live with the person for a while, and then decide if the name I’m thinking of fits them. Same with my book characters. I name them after I see their personalities on the page, and how they react to life.

Q.10 Where do you hope to take your writing in the future?
A. One never knows...not even me. As you’ve probably determined by now, I skip around genres. I never have stuck to one genre/brand. I’d get too bored. I like to dabble in this, try this out, whatever strikes me at the time.

Q.11 Does your family support your career as a writer?
A. Very much so, although, I don’t have as much time to write as I once did. I’m a personal caregiver for an elderly parent and a very old furry companion. This takes up more time than one could imagine.

Q.12 Do you believe in writer’s block? If yes, how do you deal with it?
A. It’s never really happened to me. I believe more in not having enough time to write. LOL

Q.13 Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with good or bad ones?
A. I do not search out my book reviews. Once in awhile, I come across them while I’m on Amazon or Goodreads. There’s nothing I can do about them, and I think everyone has different tastes when it comes to books, so one has to take reviews with a grain of salt. If I wrote to please all readers, I couldn’t accomplish such a feat. 

Q.14 Do you have any unique and quirky writing habits?
A. Other than that I’m a nighttime writer, no, and I like it quiet when I write, no music, no television. Complete stillness.

Q.15 Do you hide any secrets in your book that only a few people will find?
A. No, but I think there’s a little bit of every author in every book. Maybe they don’t display a huge part of the author’s personality, but there is always some little piece that could fit the author.

Q.16 What advice do you have for aspiring authors?
A. To read everything you can get your hands on. Write what you know, and do it in your own style. Eventually, you’ll find your niche and your voice.

Q.17 Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
A. Probably Harper Lee, the woman who wrote To Kill A Mockingbird. I’d love to ask her some questions about character development and plot. For me, that was one book where I could smell the sultry streets of the south, feel the characters’ pain and anguish, taste the prejudice, even with the secondary characters, and I absolutely fell in love with the names of her characters. They all suited so very well.

Q.18 What is your favourite book and why?
A. To Kill A Mockingbird for reasons stated above.

Q.19 Share the experience of your journey so far?
A. Up and down, high and low - that best describes everyone’s writing journey. Another laugh.

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