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Interview with Kirsha Fox

She is an author, homeschooling mom, and gamer. She began as many authors do, writing stories in school and dreaming of one day becoming published. She studied music and psychology in college, then went on to become a massage therapist. As much as she enjoyed her career, writing called to her, and she returned to that dream of becoming published. Son of Deception is her debut novel, with a sequel already published and several more planned.

Q.1 Tell us something about yourself that not many people know?
I collect action figures and toys from my favorite movie and anime characters.

Q.2 What inspired you to write Son of Deception?
Primarily playing Dungeons and Dragons. It’s harder to find time to play as an adult with children and responsibilities. I would daydream all day about the adventures my characters could be having, and at some point, I started writing them down. After a few months, I looked at my stories and thought they might make a great book!

Q.3 Are we going to read more from you in the near future? Any new project you’re working on?
Yes! The second book in the series, The Whiteleaf Child, is already out, and I’m working on the third for release in the spring of 2024. I also have three spinoff books planned and partially written.

Q.4 What is the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
I have to remember that their priorities will be different and that they don’t worry about a lot of things women have to learn by an early age.

Q.5 Do you plan out your books before you start writing, or do you just write and see where it takes you?
I am a plotter by nature, and I make a general, flexible outline that becomes more detailed as I begin writing. That being said, my characters often take me in unexpected directions!

Q.6 How long, on average, does it take you to write a book?
Son of Deception took about 18 months to write. The Whiteleaf Child was faster at 10 months. I’m trying to get it down to 3-4 months.

Q.7 What’s your writing schedule while working?
Sometimes, I am able to write while my kids study or read, but usually, I write in the evenings after they are in bed. But even though I’m busy, I need to take time for myself to write.

Q.8 Imagine a future where you no longer write. What would you do?
I would need to find a creative outlet. Probably something artistic like drawing comics.

Q.9 Do you try to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
I think I veer towards being more original. I combine a lot of elements in unexpected ways. I hate to be predictable and like to write plot twists.

Q.10 Is it vital to get exposure and target the right readers for your writing? Tell us about your marketing campaign?
My marketing is mostly posting to social media, but I have a youtube podcast called The Tell Not Show where my co-host and I interview other authors. I meet and get to know wonderful people, and it’s a chance to show off my own books as well. I mean to do more with my website and get started on a monthly newsletter.

Q.11 If you could be a member of any fantasy race, which would you choose and why?
I would like to live longer (so I would have more time to read all the books in my To-Be-Read pile!) and be able to work magic, so being an elf would be great. But my personality is probably more in line with a hobbit’s! I love food, gardening, and comfort.

Q.12 If you could invite one character to dinner from your book, who would it be and why?
A. Ramsey
 is my personal favorite. Not only is he hot, but maybe he would tell me all his dark plans for the future! Then, I would write the next few books faster because I wouldn’t have to tease it out of him one step at a time.

Q.13 What three things can a reader expect from your book?
A. 1.
Romance. I enjoy writing love stories!
2. Expect to be surprised.
3. Fantasy races! Son of Deception has dwarves, elves, dragons, angels, demons, vampires, fae, dragonkin, and creatures called eldaren.

Q.14 Among all the supporting characters in your book, who is dear to you and why?
There are few characters who aren’t dear to me, but in particular, I love Lord Timothy Harrow. No matter what happens, he never stops being kind.

Q.15 Who designed your book cover? How do you select them?
A. Cassidy Morgan
. I actually used to babysit him when he was little! He went on to become an artist, attending a prestigious art school in San Francisco. I knew he would be able to capture the vision I had for my covers. I asked for light, movement, and depth, which he did beautifully!

Q.16 How do you select the names of your characters?
I like to pick names that tell you something about the character. In one case, the character himself chose a nickname that represented him best - Book. His first name, Tiberius, came from James Tiberius Kirk of Star Trek because I’m a nerd.

In Alyric’s case, I liked that ‘lyric’ was in the name. Had he not been a warrior, I think he would have made a wonderful musician with his outgoing personality.

Q.17 Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with good or bad ones?
I do read my book reviews! But only once in a while. The bad ones do sting, but I know that my books aren’t for everyone. I try to remember that my personal favorite books have thousands of one-star reviews, because not everyone loves the same things. The good reviews I celebrate in my own way. It brings me so much joy to think that others like my stories!

Q.18 Do you believe in writer’s block? If yes, how do you deal with it?
It exists. When I have it, it’s because something in the plot is wrong and I need to go back a few steps and see what happened. Often it’s my character’s way of telling me they don’t want to do something the way I wrote it. If it’s not the book itself, it’s something in my life telling me I’m not allowed to write. Usually mom-guilt or emotional fatigue. I try to be gentle with myself during those times and work on something else until my inspiration returns.

Q.19 Are there any new books or authors in science fiction or fantasy (or both!) are you excited about? What are you reading right now?
I am obsessed with KENNEDY SUTTON. She writes the Silver Locket series, pirate romantasy. She blows me away with her ability to rip my heart to shreds and keep me coming back for more. Her characters feel alive, like they are my real friends. The last three books I’ve read have all been hers.

Q.20 Share the experience of your writing journey so far?
Once I decided to write with the intent to publish, I wrote and reworked my novel several times. I made many new friends and connections, and we swapped our manuscripts to help each other along. Once it was complete, I searched for an editor. That was quite an experience! I had to dodge a few scammers. 

I eventually found two editors I really liked, and unable to choose between them, I hired them both. After their excellent edits, I sent the book out to a dozen beta readers, who gave me valuable advice that I then implemented. I continued to polish it, had it edited again, and then took a deep breath and hit publish!

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