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Interview with William Seale J.R.

He is a twenty-four-year-old who grew up in the United States. While attending school when he was younger, he learned really early that he had a hard time paying attention in class and otherwise doing what he was told. The issue with things like sitting still and paying attention wasn’t necessarily the ability to do so but the overactive imagination that constantly snatched any and all focus he could muster. 

As William got older, people told him he would grow out of it, but they were far from the truth. Instead, William’s mind continued to bloom worlds of magic and dragons, turning simple pictures into entire stories. Now, he stands as a young author, allowing all of those worlds to come into reality, word by word.

Q.1 Tell us something about yourself that not many people know?
Despite my love for writing, I am dyslexic.

Q.2 What inspired you to write the Last of the Usurpers?
The truth is the story just popped into my mind one day, nearly fully formed. But, while writing the story, I took inspiration from my family and friends for the characters, allowing them to do as they would in this world of fantasy.

Q.3 Are we going to read more from you in the near future? Any new project you’re working on?
Absolutely! I am currently about halfway through the second book in the three-part series. Additionally, I already have plans for five more titles that will each be their own series as well. to name a few, Dragon Shepards, Boy Born of the Tree, and The Crucible.

Q.4 What is the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
Growing up with mostly women has helped me drastically in the embodying of female characters; that being said, because I put myself into the mindset of a character while I am writing from their perspective, I find it hard to embody a more feminine/motherly tone.

Q.5 Do you plan out your book before you start writing, or do you just write and see where it takes you?
My stories flow from my fingertips. While I do have an innate idea of what I want to write, I am just as surprised as everyone else to see what comes out in the initial draft.

Q.6 How long, on average, does it take you to write a book?
For me, as long as I have time and the muse is guiding my hands, it can take anywhere from 4-8 months to write an entire book.

Q.7 What’s your writing schedule while working?
I try to write an hour a day before I go to work; afterward, when I get home, I will usually write for another two. But, on the weekends, I will normally write for ten hours a day.

Q.8 Imagine a future where you no longer write. What would you do?
I would look for another format to tell stories. I have found there is nothing else for me except sharing the stories of my mind; without it, my passion and purpose vanish, leaving me with a hollow feeling.

Q.9 Do you try to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
I am not entirely sure, to be honest. My stories write themselves, merely using me as a tool. If they draw inspiration from something that is of their own design and nothing is intended.

Q.10 It is vital to get exposure and target the right readers for your writing. Tell us about your marketing campaign?
As of right now, I am working on trying to reach an audience from the ages of 16-25, people around my age. Sadly, I do not have much experience with social media, and while I am incredibly energetic when it comes to talking about my stories, I am mostly dependent on the advice I get from my publisher and others.

Q.11 If you could be a member of any fantasy race, which would you choose and why?
If dragons are considered a fantasy race, then ABSOLUTELY them. Dragons are one of the most, at least in my mind, beautiful creatures there are. A dragon is powerful and free, more so than anyone else can claim to be. If dragons aren’t on the list, then I choose the Elves. Elves are often known to be one with nature and are normally capable of using magic, two things I absolutely adore.

Q.12 If you could invite one character to dinner from your book, who would it be and why?
I would have to choose Freya or Mira. Freya is a kind woman based on someone I care very dearly for, not to mention she is a dragon, while Mira is a young elf who has worked hard to overcome the pains of her not-so-distant past. While I would choose Sylphaya, I would rather not pull her from her father again.

Q.13 What three things can a reader expect from your book?
Action, romance, and magic.

Q.14 Among all the supporting characters in your book, who is dear to you and why?
There are actually a number of main characters in my book as the story constantly switches perspectives. That being said, for what I feel is a supporting character, I would have to choose Mira. The reason is that you learn more about her the closer you get to the end of the story, and while writing any of her moments, I found I cared very deeply about her and her development. But, as she has some big moments in the book, I would rather not give away anything too important.

Q.15 Who designed your book cover? How do you select them?
So my friend James, who is the inspiration for the father (Argent) in the story, is a really good artist. Together, he and I sat down and sketched out the front cover. From there, my publisher sent the sketch to one of their artists, and after a number of variations, we settled on the final copy. The artist's name is Tina Carbone.

Q.16 How do you select the name of your characters?
Normally, a name just comes to me, but one trick I really enjoy is saying the sound of specific letters and letting it roll on my tongue till I find a name.

Q.17 What were your feelings when you first saw the cover of the finished project?
With no exaggeration at all, I cried. Seeing the efforts of my work finally paying off has filled me with a life-fulfilling pride that I believe everyone needs.

Q.18 What was the hardest part of writing this book?
The hardest part was writing the experiences of the daughter, Sylphaya. I grew to think of her as part of myself and as my own daughter while writing, and making her experience the terrible things she goes through made me feel like a horrible person.

Q.19 Are there any new books or authors in science fiction or fantasy (or both!) you are excited about? What are you reading right now?
I am looking forward to Murtagh by Christopher Paolini. His stories are what helped me get through my dyslexia and have always been my comfort books.

Q.20 Share the experience of your writing journey so far?
Writing has been the most liberating thing for me as a storyteller. I don’t write because I think it will bring me success or fame or anything like that. I write because I know what it is like to need an escape, to take a moment to step out of your own mind and into someone else's. 

I write because if I don’t, these stories swell in my mind, begging to be released. And finally, I write because nothing in this world has ever given me as much purpose or passion as the ability to share the magic that I see playing out in my mind.

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